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Psychological Counseling with Compassion, PLLC

Sheila H. Chiffriller, PhD

One of humanity’s greatest questions involves the secret to life: what brings happiness and fulfillment?  People spend their lives trying to find the answer; some try to figure it out on their own and others seek out resources such as self-help books or professional counseling.

Research has shown that self-help books are typically not effective on their own.  People need the support, guidance, and reinforcement of a professional therapist to achieve their goals and desired outcomes. 

Dr. Sheila Chiffriller practices with the belief that satisfaction in life comes from the process of gaining self-awareness.  This involves understanding oneself, what one wants and needs, and identifying strategies to accomplish those goals.  She knows from her experience working with numerous clients that this approach is very successful.  

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Insurances Accepted:



Worker's Compensation

No Fault

Out of Network  and sliding scale options for various plans, including Empire BCBS, Oxford/United Health Care, and GHI.

Please call the office to verify coverage.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” 


–Carl Rogers

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